Hello, I'm Giggs

Aspiring software engineer open to full-stack web or mobile development opportunities.

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Checkout some of my side projects I've worked on

Food Ordering Website

Full-stack web application side project that uses a MongoDB database to simulate a fast-food booking website with a payment system. Using React technogloies such as React Hooks, Context API.

  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • React.js
  • Node.js

Shopping Catalog Website

Full-stack web application side project that uses a MongoDB database to simulate an online shopping catalog. Designed the interface with vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript using EJS templating engine.

  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB

Shopping Catalog App

Full-stack mobile application side project that uses a MongoDB database to simulate an online shopping catalog. Using native features such as camera and notifications. Currently published on Expo.

  • React Native
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB

Gun-Fu Master

Full-fledged classic 2D knockout arena game inspired by games like 'Super Smash Bros'. Game includes level editor and character / map selection. Currently published on itch.io.

  • C#
  • Unity3D


I work with a range of web development technologies mostly using the MERN stack, from Back-end servers to Front-end UI / UX design as well as React's other mobile counterpart, React Native, to build crossplatform mobile side-projects

  • Front-End

    Experienced with vanilla HTML, CSS, Javascript. Worked with Javascript frameworks such as React.js and Next.js

  • Back-End

    Experienced with Python (Flask) and Node (Express.js) stacks. Worked with relational (MySQL) and non-relational databases (MongoDB)

  • Mobile Development

    Experienced with Native (Android) and hybrid (React Native) development. Worked with Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

  • Game Development

    Worked with openGL and Unity

  • CI / CD

    Experienced with version control (Git), Worked with deployment services such as Heroku, Vercel and AWS Amplify.

  • Tools

    Experienced with Postman for testing APIs. Worked with Agile methodology using platforms such as Trello and JIRA


Coming from a Game Development to a Software Development background has allowed me to gather multiple development experience throughout my years


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